Sunday, February 8, 2009

Drop the BEAT!!! MuSiQ

CHECK ONE, CHECK TWO....My beat for my blog is of course MUSIC!!! I will be exploring many aspects of music from the latest music jamming in Towson student's mp3's to local bands visiting Towson's campus, lastest news for popular artists and popular student music websites'. Since most students can't walk from their dorm to their classroom with out pushing play on their ipod or zume I feel this blog topic is perfect for the average student to get the latest music info. and stay in the music mix. I'm ready to get started so stay tuned for the first track........


No Longer in Use said...

I think you're off to a good start with your beat. I was going to do music too but couldnt decide on how it would directly affect Towson's community. I'm glad to see someone thought of a better way to elaborate. Looking forward to reading it.

jenny atwater said...

Charnay--sounds good. pardon the pun!